Sunday, December 23, 2007
Last Minute Shopping
Don't have to go back to work 'til Thursday - yee ha - gonna post again soon to tell about my surprise . . . .
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Found this video from back in 2005. This occurred at what we called Motel 6 - some of our dorms in Iraq. The incoming mortar did not explode on impact - God was on our side thankfully. No one was hit or hurt when they lobbed it in. The EOD - Explosive Ordinance Demolition guys - did a great job of safely detonating this and used plenty of explosives to do it. It did break a window and blow open a few steel doors. You can see some of our guys in physical training gear with their steel pots and flak vests on and you can hear them commenting on the event ---- too funny!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Day and the Flute
Today as I was changing out of my well-loved but too well worn combat boots and uniform and into my large comfy sweater and too tight pants (sigh) I noticed my flute up on the shelf in my closet. I've not had that out in quite a long time so I put it together to see if I could still carry a tune (but really to see if it would mess with the dog - no wonder he's so ornery). I couldn't tell you where any sheet music is - what I once had would probably be too old and yellow to even read anymore - but I belted out a few Christmas tunes on it and the flute part from "Nights in White Satin" - probably the flutists answer to "Stairway to Heaven" for rockers. The dog's ears perked up and down, he barked once, but he never cried. He was more curious than anything. So after I'd had my fun I took my flute apart and cleaned it and the strangest thought occurred to me. I realized that never in a million years when I would clean my flute in 5th and 6th grade did I ever imagine that over 25 years later I'd clean my rifle in much the same way. It was really the most surreal feeling. Cleaning the flute involves running a metal "stick" - for lack of a better word - with a cloth attached through a loop in the end of the stick - down the length of the inside to soak up all the spit. In much the same way, we use "sticks" with barrel cleaning cloths to pick up the carbon in the barrel of our M16s - well now M4s. I was repeating the same routine I'd done all those years ago, although the "instruments" are used for widely different things. One is used to make beautiful music and the other to protect me and kill the enemy if the need ever arose. It probably sounds corny and stupid, but both of those instruments mean very much to me in a way I can't quite explain and cleaning them is a labor of love. I cannot believe it took me until today to make that connection after all these years.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Another Pain the Butt Cold
And, I've got a major breakout of what the dermatologist insists is contact dermatitis - what the heck did I contact? I've been using the same stuff and doing the same routine as always, but now I've got a rash on my arms and on my legs - joy joy! But other than that, I feel Great!
Time to iron the uniforms and prepare for another week of work - I love the weekends but sure dread Mondays . . . .
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Can't believe it
I found a Laurie Doll picture that I'd taken last year but forgotten to post. This is where the name of this blog came from. Grant had named my blog when he got me hooked on blogging back when I was in Iraq. The name came from this creation - yes, a real, not exactly live, Laurie Doll - it truly is a face only a mother could love, but I love it wholeheartedly. Can you believe she was created over 20 years ago? Yep, and she's one of only a few in the entire world. I'm so lucky to have her!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
December Already?
Mark's big birthday was a few Mondays ago, but he wasn't feeling well so we kept it pretty low key. I did decorate his office with a few streamers, a sign and some confetti - he was surprised - I totally didn't know what to get him for his birthday, so I got him a year's subscription to the Port Clinton News Herald --- I know, I know, I'm such a romantic devil :-)
Thanksgiving was delicious - Brandon and Heather came over and Mark cooked a big dinner, turkey, ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, his awesome sweet potatoes, biscuits, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie - oh, and I made deviled eggs - yep - they turned out pretty good if I may say so myself. It's so cool to have a boyfriend who loves to cook and is so good at it - especially because if it were up to me, we'd have a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Pure Joy
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Football, Freedom and Honor
I think as I sit in the comfort of my home of all of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines of the past, present and even future who fought and continue to fight for this freedom I enjoy. Godspeed to those currently in harm's way --- Thank God for all Veterans' sacrifices!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Ride Noah Ride

Saturday, November 3, 2007
somethin's gotta give
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Talk about Neglect

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
September Skies
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Another Cooking Attempt
Monday, August 27, 2007
OK I give . . .
It just took me about an hour to get to this page. I have to break down and move from dial up. Don't laugh - I just hate change, but this is getting ridiculous. A two minute you tube video takes an hour to download - I can't take it anymore! By the time I got to this page, I forgot what I was gonna post about - curses - oh, I was going to upload a killer picture but that would take 'til Wednesday so instead I'll just complain about something . . . . I'm so tired now that I'm even too tired to complain - that's bad.
Well, I could complain because it's Monday, but actually it was a kinda nice one. Some of the big wigs were outta town so it was quiet. Plus, I made it to day one of my turning over a new leaf and trying to get up earlier to take more time for myself in the morning. It was great except I forgot my hat - thankfully Mark brought it in with him. The dog was even surprised that I wasn't rushing him through his "business". We'll see what tomorrow brings.
It was a good weekend - plus we had Thursday and Friday off so it was a nice long one. Spent Saturday with the folks and had a nice shopping excursion and an excellent lunch. We all tried red snapper for the first time - Loved It!
Wonder how long it will take this post to actually post???
Monday, August 20, 2007
Killer Camping Trip
Friday night was fun though. The cops came to the old watering hole. It was kind of ironic, because I had just told friends of mine earlier that evening that even if it looks a bit scary on the outside, the Wharf Lounge is a great place with cold and cheap beer and lots of fun characters - it really is. Well, while my friends were on their way back from Put In Bay to meet us for a drink, I had to text them that if they saw cops to keep on going - too funny. There was just a bit of a squabble but no blood was shed - Thank God - we're lovers, not fighters :-) Had to have a shot of tequila to round the night out - it was a trip!
I'm hoping to take a few days off this weekend if the weather warms up and dries up. The wave runners haven't even been in the water yet - if I don't take a few days off, I'm afraid they won't make it to the water.
All is well for the most part, but my Mom's not been feeling well lately. They're trying to get her blood pressure medicine figured out but it's been making her nauseous and weak - that really worries me, because my Mom never stays sick for long - she always bounces right back. I guess you never realize how much to be thankful for for both your health and the health of those you love until sickness comes into your life. I'm going to go visit in a day or two when her strength is up a bit. I'll take my little four legged friend - he always has a way of cheering the whole family up.
Hey, can you believe it's almost September? Bring on the Bears!!!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Lots of stuff has been going on lately - too much to mention - but all in all things have been chugging right along. The summer has flown by and I haven't done much in the way of vacation type things. We finally have the waverunners here at the condo but still haven't had a chance to put them in the water. Maybe after the end of next week we'll be able to take off a few days and actually get away from work. I feel like I've been eating and sleeping it here lately.
S'pose I should go pack now and get a good night's sleep if possible since the next two will be spent in a big moldy stinky tent with 11 other girls on old cots that are falling apart with extreme cold weather sleeping bags - I swear I don't remember this in the Air Force brochures, but it's a fun bonding time none-the-less. Green eggs for breakfast anyone?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
On a Lighter Note

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Life goes on
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Still A Lot to Be Thankful For . . .
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Trying to be ever the optimist is not always easy, especially in a situation like this. But I'm thankful that we had the time we did with him. I'm thankful he is in heaven and at peace. I will never forget you Denny - thank you for your Friendship - I will see you again! |
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Tick Tock
Why do the weekends fly by so fast? I told Mark yesterday as we hung out watching TV and eating steaks from the grill that I could really handle retirement --- is that pathetic or what? That I'm looking forward to being retired already? It seems that so much happens during the week, that so much of work is rush, rush rush, that by the time the weekend comes, I am physically and mentally exhausted. I spend the entire weekend catching up on rest and home chores and then before I know it, it's time to go back to work again. Especially in the summer with all of its celebrations and events, time whizzes right by. Today on the history channel they are talking about Armageddon, the Antichrist, the possible end of the world in 2012 --- even though I'm a believer, I still get a bit nervous when thinking about the end of the world. I know since time began that people thought the end was near. I know that I am saved, but why does the devil sometimes sneak in and make me wonder if I'll be "Left Behind" - guess that's when faith takes a coffee break or something. If the end really is so very near, then I need to try not to waste this time that flies by so fast . . . and I do waste time a lot ---too much sleep, too much beer, too much worry --- moderation in all things and the awareness of how short life is needs be my focus now. Not only that, but I'm working on a better appreciation of the small things in life - the beauty of the road down by the river where I walk or run with the dog each day -the melodies of the birds as they keep me company on my mile long journey - the warmth of the sun on my face as my breath becomes ragged from pushing my heart and lungs further than they've been pushed in a year or two - and the unexpected gifts that come from situations I'd never expected -a new friendship begun this week as I struggle at work to improve on my efficiency at my job. Before Selina came I was so worried that she would look at all I've got on my plate and tell me there's no way I can bring it all together. Instead she taught me to eat this elephant one bite at a time. She was compassionate to my situation and yet gave me tools to improve and eventually conquer these challenges that are present in my current career. She didn't judge - she encouraged - and that's just what I needed. So I guess my thought of the day is: moderation in all things, look for the simple gifts and never take time for granted . . . wow, that's pretty deep for me :-) |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's been quite the busy week thus far. I've got a Master Sergeant here from the Kansas Air National Guard, Selina, and she's been helping me all week to prepare for this big inspection we're having in July. She's been a Godsend and I wish she could stay for a month to help me get everything in tip top shape - we've been working some long hours, but we're going to try to get out on time tomorrow and I can't decide where to take her out to dinner. We ate at Phil's Inn for lunch yesterday because she loves Italian, but I'm wondering if I should take her to Margaritaville's for something different - that's not a bad idea - "if" she likes Mexican.
Trying to get back into shape again and realizing that the longer I put it off the more it hurts. Ran about a mile after work tonight and it was quite relaxing - I probably won't be able to get out of bed in the am, but it was fun at the time.
Time for some dinner and perhaps a glass of vino . . .
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Weird Week
I thought I'd post a few from the other night at the Bay - Tracy, Craig, Bob and Greg - all friends from work, went with me and it was great - not too crowded, no cover charge at the Round House, Paradise Island singing awesome jams and ice cold beers and margaritas. Smooth sailing on the Jet Express too - I'm really glad I went!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
And the other pain in my arse, drill weekend, actually went well too. With a portion of the unit deployed, it was kind of a calm and quiet drill weekend.
The weather has been good, I've been good, and I bought a 1/2 gallon of tofts peanut butter cup ice cream, so I guess I really have nothing to complain about . . . I think this must be a first!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Too Much of a Sweet Tooth
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A Lovely Day Off

Monday, May 21, 2007
Monday Monday
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Too Long Gone
May is flying by - Mother's Day was very nice - went to Mel's Crow's Nest- - Love that Place - with the folks and then went for a walk on Catawba Island back in some hiking trails on cemetery road. Other than being just a bit muddy, it was a nice and relaxing walk. We did see some poison ivy along the trail but thankfully none of us got any on our skin. I used to get it so bad that it would drive me crazy.
We've also had a few retirement parties at work in the last couple of weeks. While I love the partying part, I'm very sad to see these people go. We've all been through a lot together and it won't be the same there without them. There are so many young kids coming up through the ranks and so many of those (to whom I was a protege) leaving that I'm realizing that I am now becoming one of the old farts in the unit. It doesn't seem possible that I've been in the military for nearly twenty years. I remember stepping on the plane to leave for basic training as if it were just yesterday. April 4th, 1988 - kids in the unit now weren't even born then - oh my gosh - I'm OLD!
Tomorrow is my sister Lisa's birthday - woo who - hope her present gets there on time. I'm such a procrastinator that I'll probably be late for my own funeral . . .
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Even a Blind Squirrel . . .
Speaking of birds, I was talking today with my buddy Kutch after work out in the parking lot, and an Eagle flew over, low and close - WOW - they are so majestic - I get goose bumps every time - how COOL!
Tomorrow is the Friday before drill weekend - joy joy! What stress - it's great to see all the people you haven't seen in a month or so, but preparing for all the activities can wear a girl out - it's time for some shut eye . . .
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Can you say Procrastinator?
I'm posting when I should be studying - another attempt to fend off the inevitable. I must study! If I keep finding other things to do, I'll be pulling an all-nighter just to squeak by on this test - wonder what the minimum passing score is? Yep, I think I'll be a minimalist on this one.
Speaking of finding anything else to do to keep from studying, I think I just figured out how to actually put a link in a post - let's try . . .
too cool - it works - but now I've noticed it put 7:15am in as the time I posted. It's like thinking I'm on Pacific Time. I need to figure out how to fix that. But no, I've GOT TO STUDY - OK, I'm turning the computer off now . . .
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Coach's Autograph
Coach's Autograph
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.
As if the trip weren't perfect enough, I was flying back last evening from Phoenix to Chicago and I had had a few beers at the airport (imagine that). Anyway, there was only about an hour left in the flight and I was sitting towards the front of the airplane. They allowed us to use the first class restrooms and guess who I saw when I returned? Yep, Mike Ditka! I went back to my seat and was all excited. The guy in the row in front of me said he'd been at the gate for a few hours before the flight. That guy got his autograph and a picture with him. See, if I hadn't had that last beer in the bar, I'd have probably been able to "meet" him and get a picture with him. Arghh - I have to pay more attention when I'm traveling. Well, since I'm the HUGEST Bear's fan, I called for the flight attendant and asked if he'd have Coach sign my business card. He DID!!!!!! Too Cool!
I'm a happy girl --- didn't get home 'til 2:15am so I'm very jet-lagged and somewhat "out of it", but I'm a very happy girl!
Sisters Laughing
Sisters Laughing
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.
As if class wasn't fun enough, my Sister was able to come to Phoenix for a few days. We visited with her friends Erin and JD and ate at all ALL the best restaurants. This was in front of Pizzeria Bianco - the BEST pizza place EVER! Oprah has even been there. We also had the absolute BEST Mexican food EVER at Los Dos Molino's - Yummy! And check out this place:
(I linked it this time - I think)
It's a working Farm that has the coolest restaurants and gift shop - it's Awesome! Spending the evenings with Lisa and her friends was absolutely the most fun and relaxing time I've had in a long time. What neat people!
I wonder how many more superlatives I can use in these posts???
Group Photo
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.
Wow - what a great trip! This is our crazy class - a wonderful hodge podge of people from Alaska to Florida learning how to navigate the IEMS program. Civilians and military alike learning how to use a computer program to more effectively manage the Civil Engineering arena and having an absolute blast at the same time. It's been forever since I've laughed that long and hard!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
This is kinda fun
Yoga in 23 minutes - woo woo!
Then studying 5-level Career Development Course on Operations Management - there's a snoozer - maybe I'll just have a glass of wine instead :-)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.
Happy Easter! Check out the Easter Eggs Mom gave me when we went out for my birthday the other night - the picture doesn't quite do them justice - they're beautiful!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
A New Me
This is going to be a hoot!
Oh, and Happy St. Patty's Day a wee bit late!