Sunday, April 29, 2007

Can you say Procrastinator?

Why do I always do this to myself? Each time I have a deadline for something I wait until the absolute last minute to get it done. It's a wonder I survived high school much less college. I am a total crammer when it comes to studying. The only trouble is, I can't cram like I used to. For the first hour or two my mind is still trying to wrap around the fact that I'm actually using it again . . . Tomorrow I have to take my Operations Management Journeyman Career Development Course Exam. It consists of three books containing military and civil engineering "stuff". And God love the Air Force and Air National Guard. The test I take covers information from an Air Force Program IWIMS that we don't even use in the Air Guard. But to be awarded my AFSC - Air Force Speciality Code, I have to take the test on that program. Thankfully they waivered my formal school or I'd have spent six weeks at some Air Force Base learning stuff I'd never be using. It is actually good for my brain, I guess, to try to comprehend new concepts, but I'd much rather be spending the day off doing something more fun. And whose fault is this anyway? Ummmm - let's see - I've had four months to read, study and learn this stuff and I'm doing it the day before the test - hmmm - guess it's my own fault . . .

I'm posting when I should be studying - another attempt to fend off the inevitable. I must study! If I keep finding other things to do, I'll be pulling an all-nighter just to squeak by on this test - wonder what the minimum passing score is? Yep, I think I'll be a minimalist on this one.
Speaking of finding anything else to do to keep from studying, I think I just figured out how to actually put a link in a post - let's try . . .

too cool - it works - but now I've noticed it put 7:15am in as the time I posted. It's like thinking I'm on Pacific Time. I need to figure out how to fix that. But no, I've GOT TO STUDY - OK, I'm turning the computer off now . . .

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Coach's Autograph

Coach's Autograph
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.

As if the trip weren't perfect enough, I was flying back last evening from Phoenix to Chicago and I had had a few beers at the airport (imagine that). Anyway, there was only about an hour left in the flight and I was sitting towards the front of the airplane. They allowed us to use the first class restrooms and guess who I saw when I returned? Yep, Mike Ditka! I went back to my seat and was all excited. The guy in the row in front of me said he'd been at the gate for a few hours before the flight. That guy got his autograph and a picture with him. See, if I hadn't had that last beer in the bar, I'd have probably been able to "meet" him and get a picture with him. Arghh - I have to pay more attention when I'm traveling. Well, since I'm the HUGEST Bear's fan, I called for the flight attendant and asked if he'd have Coach sign my business card. He DID!!!!!! Too Cool!

I'm a happy girl --- didn't get home 'til 2:15am so I'm very jet-lagged and somewhat "out of it", but I'm a very happy girl!

Sisters Laughing

Sisters Laughing
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.

As if class wasn't fun enough, my Sister was able to come to Phoenix for a few days. We visited with her friends Erin and JD and ate at all ALL the best restaurants. This was in front of Pizzeria Bianco - the BEST pizza place EVER! Oprah has even been there. We also had the absolute BEST Mexican food EVER at Los Dos Molino's - Yummy! And check out this place:

(I linked it this time - I think)

It's a working Farm that has the coolest restaurants and gift shop - it's Awesome! Spending the evenings with Lisa and her friends was absolutely the most fun and relaxing time I've had in a long time. What neat people!

I wonder how many more superlatives I can use in these posts???


Group Photo
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.

Wow - what a great trip! This is our crazy class - a wonderful hodge podge of people from Alaska to Florida learning how to navigate the IEMS program. Civilians and military alike learning how to use a computer program to more effectively manage the Civil Engineering arena and having an absolute blast at the same time. It's been forever since I've laughed that long and hard!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This is kinda fun

It's like riding a bike and yet not so much - this blog is a bit different to navigate through, but it's fun to explore the options. And I've gotta say, even though I'm a tomboy, I'm really liking the pink thing. I'm sure I'll tire of it eventually, but it's making me feel all "girly" and for a girl who has to wear combat boots daily, I'm likin' feeling "girly".

Yoga in 23 minutes - woo woo!

Then studying 5-level Career Development Course on Operations Management - there's a snoozer - maybe I'll just have a glass of wine instead :-)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs
Originally uploaded by kruzer69.

Happy Easter! Check out the Easter Eggs Mom gave me when we went out for my birthday the other night - the picture doesn't quite do them justice - they're beautiful!