It's been another emotional few weeks. My Dad called last weekend and left a message on my phone. I knew right away something wasn't right. When I called back he told me my Aunt had passed away. It was so sudden that I couldn't grasp the whole thing. She hadn't ever been seriously sick that I could ever remember. She was always the rock that held everyone together. They live in North Dakota and we weren't able to make it to the memorial service, but I'm going to try to go with my folks to visit my Uncle and the rest of the family before the summer is over. I haven't seen them in far too long, but I have wonderful memories. My Aunt would write me often when I was in Iraq, telling stories of what was going on with the kids and
grandkids, telling funny stories of the
Kruse and Ingram Luck - or lack thereof. She is a woman full of more faith than just about anyone I know - that's a comfort. She would want us to celebrate life and look forward to the time when we'll all be together again. I'm trying very hard to do just that. My niece Staci is in town and I took Monday off of work, so I'm looking forward to spending some time with family this weekend. I love you Aunt Carol - you will be missed more than you could ever know!