God always has a way of keeping our egos in check. This morning I went running down at one of my favorite spots down the road from here, and it was such a perfect morning for a run. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot yet, and there was a nice breeze as well. I had run all but about the last quarter mile, and I was thinking here I was running on my day off, feeling good, thinking that I've come a long way since I started doing this regularly almost nine months ago. Then all of a sudden, some young tan girl in a Brandy Chasteen running bra comes running out of Lakefront Marina looking absolutely stunning and running with the greatest of ease. As I was running behind her I just laughed to myself, noting that there's always room for improvement.
In other news, with persistence, God also allows for things that start off rocky to turn out Great. That's what happened yesterday. My Sister was in town for basically only one full day and we were hoping to go waverunning. Unfortunately, everyone and their brother had the same idea around here. We had a heck of a time just getting them around to the beach to fuel them because they were on empty and kept cutting out before we could even get them to the jetty (is it jetty or jeddy? hmmm). Then there were so many people at the beach that we didn't feel comfortable fueling them around all those people, so poor Mark basically had to trek through thick foliage (hopefully not poison ivy-infected) to get around to a more secluded spot for fueling. Once we finally got them fueled, the waves kicked up so it was a bit of a bumpy day for riding, but we ended up having an absolute ball! Then we came back up to the condo and cooked brats and beans and corn on the cob and snacked on veggies and cheese and talked and laughed with the folks too. They even got on the waverunners and rode for a while - I was so proud that they did that, even though it was a bit rough out there. It ended up being just a wonderful and memorable day - a hard one to top!