Of all the classes and courses and books I've read throughout my life, time management is the one I struggle with the most. I've been reading a book called "Today Matters" for the last year so what does that say about me? Can't believe its been over a month since I've posted. Jumped on Facebook and I barely have time to get on that as well. Good thing I can't access it at work or I might not have a job.
Lots happened over the last month or so - I'm now into my next decade - although from everything I've heard, unless they are just trying to make me feel better, it sounds like the 40s will be fun and will fly by faster than the 30s did.
Also went to Guam - WOW! This picture is from a secluded beach - Haputo Beach - that one of my bosses at work told me about. The picture doesn't do it justice but it gives you a glimpse of its beauty. We also took our goggles and dove down to view the incredible fish - just like the ones you see in the saltwater aquarium. Too Cool!
The house is coming along excellently - Mark is so good at so many things - he got tons done while I was gone. I only contribute in the destruction phase - making things look nice and work correctly is not my forte.
Easter was wonderful too - good friends, good food, good family - Life is Good!