What is it with my continued sporadic posting? Work has been extra-special busy lately and I've been taking a taped course as well at home after work so it just seems that I have less and less time. I have great respect for families with two jobs, children, pets and college classes - I truly don't know how they do it. I can barely keep up with one job, one fiance and one dog. I'm not complaining though - life is good and there is never a dull moment for sure.
I took today off for my birfday - we're meeting the folks for an early dinner at Biaggi's in Levis Commons today - can't wait! I'm also going to be offline for a few weeks - making a run for the border as part of Operation Jump Start - our unit is building roads along the border fence. We'll be in Arizona at the perfect time of year - nice and warm but not Africa hot.
Thank God we're starting to see the sun again and seeing some warming of the weather - I absolutley love snow but I must admit I'm ready for spring for sure. Mom and Noah and I went for a walk last Sunday in hopes of soaking up some spring weather but instead we encountered muddy walking trails and rain, but we had such fun. At one point we had to traverse a "river" - we took big branches and put them down to make a bridge of sorts - we ended up wet and cold and muddy - the dog looked like a junk yard dog but we laughed and laughed and realized that we still had quite the sense of adventure left in us - too bad we didn't take some pictures - what a memorable day!
I'm hoping to be able to post while I'm gone but knowing me and knowing the fast-paced deployments we have I'm not sure it will be possible. When I return I'll hafta describe this latest adventure. I've been to Arizona before but never for this type of work. I guess there's an Ostrich Farm - Rooster Cogburn's Ostrich Farm - somewhere around where we'll be so maybe I can check it out too . . . . the excitement never ends
Happy Birthday Laurie Ann!!!
Thanks My Friend!
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