Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I really haven't felt much like posting lately. The whole blogging thing seems so insignificant when life throws a curve ball. We lost a great friend the other day and it still hasn't sunk in for me. Is it even proper or appropriate to write about such a loss? I don't know, but I do know that I can't think about anything else for a while. It seems so tragic - he was too young. He was one of the good guys. But what I love about him absolutely so much is his sense of humor and love of fun. He wouldn't want us all moping around - he'd want us to have a few drinks and remember the good times. And there were A LOT of good times! I will never forget when we went to the Browns game and he shoved an entire six pack of beer down my coat sleeves - I couldn't put my arms down - just like Randy on A Christmas Story . . . what a blast!

Trying to be ever the optimist is not always easy, especially in a situation like this. But I'm thankful that we had the time we did with him. I'm thankful he is in heaven and at peace.

I will never forget you Denny - thank you for your Friendship - I will see you again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tears are streaming, but know that you are right. You will see him again. Enjoy those everyday blessings always. This weekend was one for me. Thank you