Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No Fake

I've been trying to post for at least a week - I don't know if it's something with my service at the house or blogger or Google or what, but I've had a helluva time even getting to the sign in page. Been meaning to post about so many things but now I'm at a loss because I'm stunned that I actually got on to post. As always, many things are going on, especially with work, but overall, all is well. Can you believe last Tuesday's ice storm and then the almost blizzard on Saturday? Too Cool! We went to the Country Keg in Graytown on Sunday and they were packed with sleds - made me homesick to ride again.

Now that I'm finally on to post, I'm finding myself too tired and lazy to say anything of importance. Actually, I've very rarely said anything of real importance on this thing. I just like to "hear" myself ramble I guess. If I'm not too lazy tomorrow I might just post about this germ fear issue I've been having - betcha can't wait for that!

Pray for me - gotta go to the dentist in the am - I've got a really great dentist but I've got something wrong with a filling, I think, and I've never gone to this guy for anything other than a cleaning. Thankfully I've not had a cavity in several years. I'm a little nervous about the visit. I'm just hoping they don't have to pull a tooth or do a root canal - I'm good with just about anything shy of that . . . .

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