Saturday, November 22, 2008

Harvey Oaks

Mom invited me to the neatest soiree the other evening at Harvey Oaks Jewelers in Fremont. For some reason I can never get my hyperlinks to come through on my blog but they have a website - Anyway, they invite customers to this event where basically they have appetizers and wine and it's the only time of year they actually have anything discounted. They also buy their jewelry and place it at fair market value at the time of their purchase. Then if the market goes up, they don't mark up the prices, so that's cool. They also encourage you to make a wish list, and then they keep it on file so that when your husband or family member or friend comes in, they know what type of jewelry you like. This event was for the ladies, and then in two weeks, they have an event for the men so they can see what's on their significant others' wish lists. My mom bought a very pretty gold ring, and the neat thing with it was that stones can be added later or she can wear it as is. The gentleman that waited on us has been with the store for 31 years. He goes to shows and buys the most unique and high quality gems. He spent a lot of time with us, showing us all sorts of gems that you don't see every day, and he explained all about the ones that are more durable or more soft than others. I never realized that emeralds are one of the softest stones so you have to be very careful when wearing them. So, if you're ever in Fremont, check them out. They aren't the most inexpensive of stores, but if you make a purchase there you know you're getting something special.

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