Friday, December 5, 2008

Ya Gotta Love 10's

Just started ten hour days a few weeks ago, so now I go in at 6am and work til 5 from Monday-Thursday with an hour for lunch - good for dog walking since he needs some relief too in a long day. It has been quite an adjustment, but today is a great reminder of why I think I'm going to like a four day work week. I got to sleep in, been leisurely getting stuff done around the house, and am in the midst of watching "Love Actually". It's nice to just have a whole day, all to myself and then to realize that I've got the whole weekend ahead of me as well.

Think I'm gonna go to the grocery store to get that over with and then pay some bills OR maybe I'll just stay right here on the couch . . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

been doin some 10's myself. they are great. if you actually get that "extra" day to yourself. yeah right. lovies and miss ya